Sunday, February 17, 2013

Raising Your Consciousness

Expanding ConsciousnessConsciousness is defined as the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings, but how do we become conscious and aware? The idea of consciousness is not a passing stage in our world, people have been seeking ways to expand their consciousness for thousands of years.There are many ways that a person can become more conscious, a quick Google search will give you over 4 million results that you can explore, today I want to look at two specific ways that a person can become more conscious.
  • Explore your mind 
  • Be aware of your language 

Explore your mind
There are several ways that a person can explore their mind: meditation, the use naturally occurring psychedelics such as Ayahuasca, prayer, etc. Meditation brings about a calming peaceful state of mind that enables a person to process their thoughts and experiences in a conscious manner. Acknowledging these thoughts or experiences and releasing them into the universe. The use of naturally occurring psychedelics forces a person into a state of consciousness by stripping away the ego, and putting them in a state of hyper-awareness. The key is to take the lessons learned and the state of awareness that you experience and integrate it into your daily life. I include prayer in this list, although that may be debated by some, because invokes a higher power in a person's life. When someone prays, they must be aware of what they are praying for and the intention behind their prayers.

Be aware of your language
I've talked before about the idea of being aware of your language and how language can impact your reality, but this can also help a person on their quest for consciousness. Often times a person is unaware of their thoughts, or says the first thing that comes to mind when they speak. when we simply allow ourselves to react to a situation, we are not being conscious or aware. By being aware of the language that we use, we can work to actively monitor our thoughts and feelings. By monitoring our thoughts and feeling, and being aware of how we speak to ourselves and other, we are no longer just allowing life to happen to us, but instead we are taking an active role in defining what we want our life to be.

Working to raise our consciousness and being more aware is only first step in beginning to understand our existence. Life is not something that happens to us, but what we make it. By taking the time to be still and listen to the universe, to raise our consciousness, we learn where it is we are supposed to be going and how we can get there. 


  1. This post seems like a continuation of our conversation earlier today. Thanks for additional insght

  2. Appreciate your writing regarding prayer and consciousness. I've had conversations with others regarding "floating thru life" without actually being consciously engaged. Thank you for putting my mind to work!

